


As if being a mega-producer and songwriter were not enough, now Bryan shames us all, by having the time to turn his cult following you tube reality show into his own web portal (read: "portal". Not site- and certainly not some cheesy blog like this one!) The Studio Exposed is his new online creative community that grants members access to an entire creative community.

Best of all- its free and anyone can join. Once you're in- you can read Bryan's daily blog, build your own member page, network with its 1000+ members, or hang out in the different members rooms based on your interests. Up and coming producers can find look for new songwriters, or songwriters can look for producers... whatever- its just that cool.

Even better- you get hob-nob with Bryan Cox and other highly esteemed W/C writers, Donnie Scantz and Kendrick Dean, Bryan's engineer Sam I Am, Troy Clark and Don Bowie.. Ask them questions, get advice, or just read about all the really amazing stuff they are up to.

You can stil catch episodes of the reality show. Don't sleep on it- You're getting the opportunity to watch some of the most successful creative minds at work!!